Spanish Free Songs

Spanish songs for the children

Free Songs

Help your little ones and listen some of these free Spanish songs. It is a good practise for them. This first song teach you animals and food. Let´s see if you can find out what is "sal" and "aceite"?

If you can´t see the song follow the link below

Cena en el zoo


This one is not a song but although you can hear some music in the background. It is a bit long but you can practise all the ABC in Spanish, good pronunciation, you can see the letter, the word and the object. Example B, barco and you will see the boat. A bit long but don´t miss it!

If you can´t see the song follow the link below

Aprende el abecedario


This song a bit more for the Juniors at KS2, however the little ones can listen as well. By the way "Ura, ura". What does it mean in Argentinian?

If you can´t see the song follow the link below

Aprende la ropa




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