Unlock your potential with Spanish Speaking GCSE Theme 1

Unlock your potential with Spanish Speaking GCSE Theme 1

Role Play Card

During the GCSE Spanish-speaking exam, students are often required to respond to a role card given to them by the examiner. This role card provides students with information about a specific scenario or situation, and they are then expected to respond appropriately in Spanish. This task requires students to understand the information provided on the role card and demonstrate their ability to communicate effectively in Spanish.

To successfully navigate the role card task during the GCSE Spanish-speaking exam, students must first carefully read and comprehend the information provided on the card. This includes identifying key details such as the name of the person they are speaking to, the location of the conversation, and any relevant background information. By understanding the context of the scenario presented on the role card, students can formulate an appropriate response to the situation.

In addition to comprehending the information on the role card, students must also demonstrate their ability to communicate effectively in Spanish. This involves using appropriate vocabulary, grammar, and sentence structure to convey their ideas and thoughts clearly and coherently. By showcasing their language skills in this way, students can effectively demonstrate their proficiency in Spanish and their readiness to move on to the next level of their language-learning journey. Overall, the role card task is an essential component of the GCSE Spanish-speaking exam that allows students to showcase their intelligence and comprehension in a real-world scenario.

You will have to learn the following two topics below:

Topic 1: Yo, mi familia y mis amigos.

Topic 2: Tecnología – Redes sociales, móviles, etc.

Unlock your potential with Spanish Speaking GCSE Theme 1
Role Play Card

Photo card

Unlock your potential with Spanish Speaking GCSE Theme 1
Recien Casados

¿Qué hay en la foto?

¿Es importante el matrimonio? ¿Por qué (no)?

¿Cuándo fue la última vez que celebraste algo con tu familia?

Two more questions that you have not prepared:

¿Te gustaría casarte en el futuro?

Sí,   ¿cómo sería tu pareja ideal?

No.  ¿Qué piensas sobre la familia?

Photo Card

General Conversation

Describe a un buen amigo tuyo.

¿Quiénes son más importantes tus padres o tus amigos?

¿Crees que los jovenes usan mucho sus móviles?

¿Qué hiciste el Día del Padre con tu familia?

General Conversation

Some more questions related to this topic:

¿Qué haces los fines de semana con tus amigos?

¿Qué hiciste el sábado pasado con tú familia?

¿Qué prefieres Instagram o Facebook? y ¿Por qué?

¿Cuando fue la última vez que usaste tu móvil, tu ordenador o tu tableta? y ¿para qué?

Some more questions

If you need to practice more and get ready for your Spanish GCSE exams, you can contact us.

If you need more help you can always learn more Spanish with School-e.

If you require a Spanish GCSE tutor near me we can help you.

You can read the latest update on the GCSE exams for 2022 from the AQA website.