Spanish Numerals-Part 2

In Spanish, hundreds agree in gender with a following noun:


Doscientas mujeres (two hundred women)

Docientos hombres (two hundred men)



1000 mil.

2000 dos mil.

3000 tres mil.

10.000 diez mil.

100.000 cien mil.

500.000 quinientos mil.

159.748 ciento cincuenta y nueve mil setecientos cuarenta y ocho.

1.000.000 un millón.

1.500.000 un millón quinientos mil.

25.667.477 veinticinco millones seiscientos sesenta y siete mil cuatrocientos setenta y siete.

The word -mil- is invariable when plural thousands are being expressed. But can appear in the plural in the expression -miles de – (thousand of).

Unlike in English, -mil- is not preceded by an article. For instance:

– Tengo mil dolares (I have a thousand dollars)

To refer to two million or more, Spanish uses the plural of -miles de millones-.

Punctuation of numbers in Spanish

Note when writing numbers in Spanish, a comma is used where a full stop appears in English and vice versa.


3.465 tres mil cuatro cientos sesenta y cinco (three thousand four hundred and sixty five)

3,465 tres coma cuatro cientos sesenta y cinco (three point four six five)

Saying dates and telephone numbers

The full stop is not used when writing years even if we are talking about thousands. In Spanish, telephone number are said in tens whenever possible. For instance.


91 47 34 28  (noventa y uno cuarenta y siete, treinta y cuatro veintiocho)


Ordinal numbers

As we said before, ordinal numbers are those used to indicate the position in series or successions.

Primero (first)

Segundo (second)

Tercero (third)

Cuarto (fourth)

Quinto (fifth)

Sexto (sixth)

Séptimo (seventh)

Octavo (eighth)

Noveno (ninth)

Décimo (tenth)


– Ordinal numbers agree in gender and number with the noun they accompany:


El primero de la clase (the first of the class)

La primera mujer presidenta (The first woman president)

Las segundas partes nunca son buenas (The second parts are never good)

En los décimos pisos hace calor (In the tenth floors is always hot)

Another two examples that drops in front of a noun:

El primer libro del autor (The first book of the author)

Vivo en el tercer piso (I live in the third floor)



Ordinal numbers are used in Spanish specially in the following cases.

– Numbers form 1 to 9

– Naming kings, queens and popes

– When something is with Roman numbers

– To name centuries


We hope we helped with the Spanish Numerals. (Spanish info)