About our Shop

Since 2011  School-e Ltd we have been providing Spanish tuition to schools and private tuition to children in Manchester.

Browse our activities in these sections below, and you will be able to download material that you can use with your child or children at home to learn and practise Spanish with them. You can print activities, PowerPoint that you can watch and improve your pronunciation by listening our teachers, and bilingual books you can download.

Our products can be found below:

Easy Spanish activities for children
  • Click this link and find a bit more of a description of this product that will allow your children to practice during school time or their holidays.
Easy Spanish-English bilingual books
  • Click this link and find a bit more of a description of this product that will allow you to read a bilingual book to your child. (Spanish and English)
Spanish PowerPoints
  • Click this link and find a bit more of a description of this product that will allow you to download some useful PowerPoints that you can use with your children.

As you can see in our website

School-e Ltd offers all kinds of Spanish tuition to different levels so you or your children can improve their Spanish.

2 thoughts on “About our Shop”

  1. I like your site. Could you please tell us a bit more about some of your products? I am looking for Spanish products for my children. I am not quite sure about the products that you can offer. Thanks.

  2. Hi Kenisha as we were asked by several parents similar questions you will find in our blog a lot of free ideas and free activities for different ages.
    You can also buy some other activities from us following the ling below:


    In this blog a huge description about Pipo math games was done many years ago. (Please note that we don’t sell these games anymore, you will have to contact them directly)

    Follow this link Maths for children

    I hope you like it!

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