The possessive words in Spanish are words used to express possession or belonging.
In this section we are going to study two groups of possessives: possessives adjectives and possessives pronouns.
Possessives adjectives
Possessive adjectives are used to indicate possession in Spanish, and they must agree in number (singular or plural) with the item being possessed.
Here is a list of the Spanish possessive adjectives that are used before the noun:
Mi / mis (my)
tu / tus (your)
su / sus (its, his, hers)
nuestro /-a / -os / -as ( your-plural)
vuestro /-a /-os / -as (your)
su / sus (their)
Only nuestro and vuestro have feminine forms, and they must agree in gender unlike the rest that can be used in both genders.
– Nuestro perro (our dog)
– Nuestra casa (our house)
– Vuestro amigo (your friend)
– Vuestra abuela (Your grandma)
Mi coche es nuevo (My car is new)
Nuestra casa está en España (Our house is in Spain)
Mis amigos son españoles (My friends are Spanish)
Vuestro perro es muy bonito (Your dog is so beautiful)
Su casa es más pequeña que la nuestra (Their house is smaller than ours)
Possessive adjective after the noun.
In Spanish, some possessive adjectives are used after the noun, and they must agree in number (singular or plural) and gender with the item possessed.
Here is a list of the Spanish possessive adjectives that are used after the noun:
mí (-a, -os, -as) mine, of mine
tuyo (-a, -os, -as) yours, of yours
suyo (-a, -os, -as) yours, of yours, his, of his
hers, of hers
nuestro (-a, -os, -as) ours, of ours
vuestro (-a, -os, -as) yours, of yours
suyo (-a, -os, -as) yours, of yours, theirs, of theirs
Un amigo mío vive in Londres.
A friend of mine lives in London
Una amiga mía está en España.
A friend of mine is in Spain
Los cafés son nuestros.
The coffes are ours.
Conocí a un primo suyo.
I met a cousin of his
Quiere el mío.
He wants mine.
Perdieron los nuestros.
They lost ours.
Possessive pronouns in Spanish
Possessive pronouns are the words used to replace nouns modified by possessive adjectives. In Spanish, there are different forms of possessive pronouns depending on if the noun is masculine or feminine, singular or plural.
Mine: el mío / la mía / los míos / las mías
Yours: el tuyo / la tuya / los tuyos / las tuyas
His / Her / Its/: el suyo / la suya / los suyos / las suyas
Ours: el nuestro / la nuestra / las nuestras / los nuestros
Yours: el vuestro / la vuestra / los vuestros / las vuestras
Theirs: el suyo / la suya / los suyos / las suyas
Note that the Spanish possessive pronouns for third person singular (él, ella) and plural (ellos, ellas) are identical. Sometimes Spanish speakers need to clarify what they men to avoid misunderstanding in these cases.
There are two important things to know about Spanish possessive pronouns:
The possessive pronoun must match the noun being replaced in gender and number.
You should use the appropriate definite article.
Here you have some examples:
Mi padre está aquí ¿dónde está el tuyo?
My father is here; where’s yours?
Me gustan salir con mis amigos y ella prefiere con los suyos.
I like going out with my friends and she prefers hers.
Tus cuadros son buenos, pero los míos son mejores.
Your paintings are good, but mine are better.
Estos libros ¿son vuestros o nuestros?
These books, are they yours or ours?
No sé donde está el tuyo, pero el mío es este
I don´t know where is yours but this one is mine
Mis padres no pueden, llama a los suyos
My parents can´t make it, call his / hers/ theirs
Note that Spanish possessive pronouns are identical to stressed form possessive adjectives, but their usage is different: possessive pronouns replace nouns, while possessive adjectives modify nouns.
Neuter possessive
There is also a neuter possessive pronoun which is used when the possessed thing is abstract or unspecific object. This is formed with the neuter article -lo- plus the masculine singular possessive pronoun (mío, tuyo, suyo, nuestro, vuestro).
¿Quieres lo mío?
Do you want mine (my work, my food…)?
Encontró lo suyo.
He found his / hers (his / hers stuff, his things).
¿Cuánto es lo nuestro?
How much is ours (bill)?
Me gustan más los vuestros
I like more yours
No entiendo lo tuyo
I don´t understand yours (behaviour, acctitude)
We hope we helped with the Spanish adjectives. (Spanish info)
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Great informative post! Learning Spanish language is so interesting and fun. Thanks to this post I learned a lot on how to indicate Spanish adjectives..It helps me a lot in correcting my sentence in Spanish Gracias..
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