The topic of women in the labour market is crucial and thought-provoking for A-level students to examine and discuss. Throughout history, women have encountered significant discrimination and formidable barriers in the workforce, ranging from unequal pay to limited opportunities for career advancement and restricted access to certain professions. It is imperative for students to fully grasp the challenges women have faced in the labour market and recognize the strides made in recent years towards achieving gender equality. Studying women in the labour market is vital to increasing awareness about gender inequality and the urgent need for change. By delving into women’s experiences in the workforce, students can understand the diverse social, economic, and political factors influencing women’s participation in the labour market. This can cultivate empathy and compassion, fostering a deeper understanding of the plight of those who have been marginalized and discriminated against based on their gender.
Furthermore, scrutinizing women in the labour market can also prompt students to critically evaluate the structural and systemic barriers that impede women’s opportunities for success in the workforce. By understanding issues such as the gender pay gap, occupational gender segregation, and inadequate support for working mothers, students can gain insight into the intricate factors perpetuating gender inequality. This knowledge can empower them to advocate for change and actively contribute to creating a more equitable and inclusive society for all.
A bit in Spanish now, after all this is supposed to be difficult.
En esta actividad que he preparado para vosotros podéis practicar vuestro español mediante lectura, audio y video.
Es un tema interesante en el que analizaremos y compararemos el mercado laboral de la mujer y el hombre, por supuesto concentrándonos más con la mujer.
Os podéis descargar el Power Point, escuchad mis audios, ver el video e intentad hacer las actividades sugeridas en varios Pdf que también podéis descargarlas.
Before to download the following file make sure you can use Power Point otherwise you won’t be able to watch it.
Press here to download the Power Point
If you need more help you can always learn more Spanish with School-e.
Those below are just some of the pics extracted from the power point and Pdf´s, so you don’t waste time downloading just in case you don’t like, however will be a good practise for you to listen Spanish native speakers. After the pics I have left for you the Pdfs.