Free Spanish lessons ready for you to deliver in your Primary class

Nombres / Names.A



  • Revise ¡Buenas tardes! and ¡Hola! Children who know a greeting in another language can greet the class.

Main Spanish activities:


  • Revise ¿Qué tal? Bien. ¿Y tú? Introduce an alternative answer – Mal (Not well) – by showing your thumbs down or drawing a sad face on the board. Invite children to move around the class, shaking hands, giving a greeting and asking each other how they are.
  • Listen CD some children greeting each other and introducing themselves.(note:5)Did they hear any names with the j sound? Like Jaime. Try to see if they can complete the missing parts of the dialogue.
  • Pronounce the Spanish names and Invite children to do so.
  • Share either your own name or the name of a member of your family. Explain why this was chosen. (If time)


Final Activities:


  • Activity sheet “¿cómo te llamas?”
  • Finish the session by waving and saying Adiós (Goodbye). Children respond.



For this dialogue you can use any children or people greeting each other. Or better you could do it in your class say with half a class. The other half of the class can do something else. Then with half class record the half of the dialogue. Then with the other half a class records half of the other dialogue. Then another day you play all the dialogue and do the suggested activity.

In this lesson children should learn:


  • To recognise and respond to sound patterns and words.
  • To perform simple communicative tasks using single words, phrases and short sentences.
  • To identify social conventions at home and in other cultures.
  • To recognise that some words occur in both English and the language being learnt, although they may sound different.

The objectives of this lesson are:


  • Understand and respond to ¿Cómo te llamas?
  • Have an understanding that some Spanish names may look the same as in English but sound different.


Spanish lessons

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