Spanish Christmas-3

How to provide a Spanish lesson in your class to celebrate Christmas.

December is the month for celebrating Christmas.  This is a fantastic opportunity to introduce to your class some of the Spanish traditions like “Reyes Magos” The three kings.

If you are a teacher we have prepared a lesson for you and we hope you take some ideas and use it in your class. You can compare traditions and you can also explain how Spanish people celebrate Christmas.

Of course if you are the mum or dad you can also use the activity we have provided, print it and do it with your children. You can write together the letter to Santa and why not do it in Spanish!

So with this lesson children should learn:

  • To recognise some familiar words in written form.
  • To make indirect contact with the country/countries where the language is spoken.
  • To understand some cultural differences in between countries.

Also in this lesson children will learn to:

  • Generate a letter using simple words, phrases and short sentences.
  • Recognise and understand familiar words in written form.
  • Using and recognise some words from a song.

This will break the routine and makes the vocabulary they learn relevant, which helps them to remember it more easily. You can teach some new Spanish Songs or check the vocabulary you have given during this term. (Use your imagination and try to associate in groups the vocabulary that you have been teaching. eg. animal toys, items class, colours, transports, etc)

How can you do this Spanish lesson?


  • The usual start in your class ¿Qué tal? Bien. ¿Y tú?

Main activities:

  • Sing Silent night (Spanish version) We are not intending to translate and/or understand this song. Most of the children know the words in English. Words in Spanish will be given and children can try to sing it by reading the words.
  • Key words can be highlighted in order to follow the song.
  • If time ask the children if they know who are “Los Reyes Magos” Melchor, Gaspar y Baltasar. Explain that in Spain this is a very important religious day and all the children are waiting for their presents. Children write the letters to Santa but also they write the letters to “Reyes Magos” You could try to show a clip of this tradition to the children however please remember restrictions in your school. If you are at home or in a center you can have the link ready to any short u-tube video.

Final Activities:

  • To write a letter to “Papá Noel” Some toy sheets will be given so children can choose and prepare the letter.
  • Allow children to ask you things that they would like to know.
  • Key words and sentences like “Me gusta…. , quiero….” Which are part of the QCA standards plus understanding of different sorts of toys.

Prepare your activities as much as you can. You can prepare puzzles for them to make or some cross words with the new Spanish words. I have just attached a very easy Spanish activity that you can print and use at any time during your Spanish lesson.

Take with you some Spanish flash cards with the relevant vocabulary. You can make it as easy or difficult you want depending the age and abilities of your groups.

Did you find in our Spanish Lesson what you was looking for? (Spanish info)