Examples – adverbs in Spanish

Here we can see some adverbs in Spanish:

The adverbs (adverbios) are words unchangeable words with the function of modify verbs, adjectives and other adverbs expressing how, when, where, frequency and quantity. Examples of adverbs are rápidamente (quickly), lentamente (slowly), tranquilamente (calmly). These words are used to describe how an action is taking place and may refer to a variety of characteristics.

We could say it is easier to use adverbs than adjectives in Spanish. While adjectives change according to the gender and quantity of the noun they describe, adverbs don’t change at all which definitely make everything simpler. The same adverb form applies to all verbs.


El reloj es muy bonito (The watch is very beautiful)

In this case, muy is an adverb to say how beautiful it the watch

Mi casa está bastante cerca (My house is pretty close)

Both, bastante and cerca are Spanish adverbs.

Cerca modifies the verb está explaining where her/his home is. Bastante modifies the adverb cerca explaining how far his /her home is.

In this section, we will study some of the most common and important adverbs in Spanish. They can be classified in: adverbs of time, place, manner and quantity.

Adverbs of time in Spanish

-Ahora (in this moment, now): Estoy en Madrid ahora (I am in Madrid in this moment)

-Hoy (today): Hoy es mi cumpleaños (Today is my birthday)

-Mañana (tomorrow): Mañana es domingo (Tomorrow is Sunday)

-Ayer (yesterday): Ayer fui al cine (Yesterday, I went to the cinema)

-Antes (before, previously): Llama antes de entra (call before come in)

-Después (after): Voy al teatro después de trabajar (I am going to the theatre after work)

-Anteayer (The day before yesterday): Anteayer no dormí­ bien (I didn’t sleep well the day before yesterday)

-Todavía, Aun (yet, still): Estoy todavía en casa (I am still at home)

-Cuando (when): Veo la tele cuando como (I watch telly when I eat)

-Entonces (then): Estaba durmiendo y entonces me despertó (I was sleeping and then I woke up)

-Jamás, nunca (never): Jamás aprenderé alemán (I will never learn german)

-Siempre (always): Siempre escucho música (I always listen to music)

-Luego (later): Hasta luego (See you later)

-Mientras (while): Voy a ducharme mientras cenas (I am having a shower while you dinner)

-Tarde (late): No llegues tarde (Don´t be late)

-Temprano (early): Me levanto temprano (I wake up early)

-Ya (already, by now, yet): Ya he hecho los ejercicios (I have already done the exercise)


Adverbs of place in Spanish


-Abajo (below, downstairs): El baño está abajo (The bathroom is downstairs)

-Arriba (above, on top, overhead, upstairs): Vivo en el piso de arriba (I live in the top floor)

-Encima (above, on top, upstairs): Las llaves están encima de la mesa (The keys are on the table)

-Dentro / Adentro (in, inside): La ropa está dentro del armario (The cloths are inside the wardrove)

-Fuera / Afuera (out, outside): Deja la bici fuera de casa (Leave the bike out of the house)

-Aquí­, acá (here): Ven aquí (come here)

-Allí, allá(there): La fruta está allá (The fruit is there)

-Cerca (close, near, nearby): Mi casa está cerca (Mi house is near here)

-Lejos (away): Londres está lejos de Edimburgo (London is away from Edinburgh)

-Delante (ahead, in front of): Hay un bar delante de tú casa (There is a bar in front of your house)

-Detrás (behind, after): Hay un parque detrás del hospital (There is a park behind the hospital)

-Enfrente (opposite): La silla está en frente de la mesa (The chair is opposite the table)


Adverbs of manner in Spanish


-Adrede (intentionally, on purpose): Perdón, no fue adrede (Pardon, it wasn’t on purpose)

-Alto (aloud,loud): Habla más alto por favor (Speak louder please)

-Bajo (low,silently): Habla bajo, es muy tarde (Speak low it is late)

-Deprisa, aprisa, rápido (fast, quickly, swiftly): Vamos más deprisa, es tarde (Let’s walk faster, it’s late)

-Despacio (slowly): Habla despacio (Speak slowly)

-Así­ (like this, so, that way, thus): Así no es (It is not like this)

-Bien (well,goog, correct): Este examen está bien (This exam is good)

-Mal (badly, bad): Mi pie está mal (My foot is badly)

-Casi (almost, nearly): El vaso está casi vacío (The glass is almost empty)

-Claro (clear,clearly): El problema está claro (The problem is clear)

-Como (as, like, such as): Soy español como tú ( I am Spanish like you)

-Duro (hard): Este rock es muy duro (This rock is hard)

-Suave, blando (soft): La camiseta es suave (The t-shirt is soft)

-Pronto (soon): Vuelve pronto (Come back soon)

Adverbs of quantity in Spanish


-Algo (some, something, not much): Necesito comer algo (I need to eat something)

-Apenas (barely, hardly, only just, scarcely): No puedo ver apenas (I can hardly see anything)

-Bastante, suficiente (enough): Hay bastante comida para todos (There is food enogh for everybody)

-Demasiado (too, much): Londres es demasiado caro (London is too expensive)

-Más (more): No quiero más vino (I don’t want more wine)

-Menos (less): Madrid es menos fría que Bilbao (Madrid is a less cold city than Bilbao)

-Mucho (a lot of, much, very): He aprendido mucho (I have learnt a lot)

-Poco (little): Hablo un poco de español (I speak a little bit of Spanish )



Adverbs ending in mente in Spanish

The majority of adverbs in English end in ly are used in
spanish with the ending mente. Think of words like loudly, roughly, calmly, completely, quickly or easily. Fortunately, Spanish language has a specific ending making it easier for the students.

You can form an adverb from almost any adjective in Spanish. You just have to take the femenine form of the adjective and add mente to the end. Here you have some examples.

(adjective = femenine form  + mente =  adverb )

absoluto/absoluta (absolute) : absolutamente (absolutely)

tranquilo/tranquila (tranquil) : tranquilamente (tranquilly)

lento/ lenta (slow): lentamente (slowly)

rápido/rápida (fast): rápidamente (quickly)

suave (soft): suavemente (softly)

Spanish Lessons
We hope spanish adverbs are now a bit clear.

1 thought on “Examples – adverbs in Spanish”

  1. I was really confused, and this answered all my questions. You can also find some more information in the link I have left.

    Many thanks for your contribution.

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