Una canción española / A Spanish song
In this blog we are going to show how to deliver a Spanish Lessons in Manchester for Key stage 2.
- Usual greetings to the children. ¿Qué tal? (How are you?), buenos dias (good morning) or buenas tardes (good afternoon).
Main activities:
- Sing Tengo, tengo tengo ( have, I have, I have) and point to a flashcard as each noun is sung. Ask the children if they understand some of the words.
- Introduce the new words, eg una oveja (a sheep), una cabaña (a hut), la leche (the milk), la lana (the wool), la mantequilla (the butter), la semana (the week).
- Repeat, with children saying the words after you.
- Have a look the sound (cabaña). Compare this with señor/señora and años and then add cabaña to the class word bank.
- Have a look the ll sound in mantequilla and j in oveja.
- Make a list of those 3 phonemes. Ask if they can complete a small list.
Final Activities:
- Sing the song once again. Can they now complete the missing words from the song.
In this lesson children should learn:
To listen and respond to simple rhymes, stories and Spanish songs.
To recognise and respond to sound patterns and Spanish words.
To make direct or indirect contact with the country where the Spanish language is spoken.
To use gesture or mime to show they understand the Spanish sentences.
The main objectives of this lesson are:
- Identify specific Spanish words.
- Identify Spanish sounds that are the same as or different from English.
- Know a well-known Spanish song.
Did you find in our school supplies what you was looking for? (Spanish info)