Spanish Activities Key Stage 5 -A Levels

Here you can find Spanish Activities that you can use for A Levels

Spanish Prepositions like CONTRA

We are now going to show some other Spanish Prepositions and some examples in order to clarify this topic. “Contra” contra= against (we can translate “contra” for against almost always. But we can find this preposition accompanying verbs where against is not used. For instance: attacking, hitting, throwing, etc). – To express against in a …

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Spanish Prepositions – a, ante, bajo y con

Spanish Prepositions (preposiciones) are words that are placed before (pre-posed) another word to express the relationship between the words that they articulate. In Spanish they are used to link a noun, a noun phrase or a pronoun with the rest of the sentence to indicate location, direction, time, etc. In both languages, English and Spanish, …

Spanish Prepositions – a, ante, bajo y con Read More »