Free Spanish Christmas-1
Free Spanish Christmas activity sheet version 1 Spanish lesson associated with this activity School-e Ltd Logo Did you find in our Spanish Tuition what you was looking for? (Spanish info)
Some of Spanish the lessons delivered in the class.
Free Spanish Christmas activity sheet version 1 Spanish lesson associated with this activity School-e Ltd Logo Did you find in our Spanish Tuition what you was looking for? (Spanish info)
How to provide a Spanish lesson in your class to celebrate Christmas. December is the month for celebrating Christmas. This is a fantastic opportunity to introduce to your class some of the Spanish traditions like “Reyes Magos” The three kings. If you are a teacher we have prepared a lesson for you and we hope you …
Tú retrato de idiomas / Language portrait Starter: Revise ¡Buenos días! and ¡Hola! Children who know a greeting in another language can greet the class. Main activities: Quick activity from last week to consolidate things they have learnt. Explain that in other languages we use different sounds. Ask children to practise the j sound. Listen …
Nombres / Names.B Starter: Usual greetings Main Spanish activities: Recap the dialogue from last week and finish it. Repeat the Spanish names and Invite children to do so. So the practise the sound “J” Jaime, juán, josé, etc. Pay attention and practise( Yo) me llamo (I am called). Ask the question ¿Cómo te llamas? (What’s your name?) around …
Nombres / Names.A Starter: Revise ¡Buenas tardes! and ¡Hola! Children who know a greeting in another language can greet the class. Main Spanish activities: Revise ¿Qué tal? Bien. ¿Y tú? Introduce an alternative answer – Mal (Not well) – by showing your thumbs down or drawing a sad face on the board. Invite children to move …
Free Spanish lessons ready for you to deliver in your Primary class Read More »