Some of our Spanish Clubs – Learning about clothes

In some of our Spanish clubs this term with children from Reception, Year 1 and Year 2, we have been learning some clothes-related vocabulary.

Vestido – Dress

Jersey – Jumper

Pantalón – Trousers

Pijama – Pijama

Sombrero – Hat

Bolso – Bag

Camiseta – T-Shirt

Falda – Skirt

Chaqueta – Jacket

Zapatos -Shoes

Camisa -Shirt

Calcetines -Socks

Click here and listen to all the list of clothes in Spanish -la ropa

Listen to the audio if you are unsure about the pronunciation of any of these words. Remember, some of the children can remember more words than some others. It is difficult for the children if you say to them, “how do you say in Spanish’ Shoes’?” however, they tend to remember it better if you say the Spanish word to the children.

Sometimes they do not know if you could perhaps show three pictures. For example, “socks, shoes and skirt” Now ask your child to pick up “Zapatos” Perhaps this time has done it better.

For instance, the word ‘Zapatos’ is not easy to remember. Forget about getting the proper spelling, and after many years teaching Spanish, only a few children managed to spell and master this word correctly. Perhaps those children used to learn more Spanish after our Spanish clubs. I know some of them used to learn Spanish online; however, most of the children attending our Spanish lessons came once a week.

Remember we always do this by doing games and playing for that reason I am trying to avoid the direct question to the child. Last thing you want to hear is “I don´t know, I am not interest it I want to play with or…” Try to motivate your child “perhaps we can buy a “sombrero” on holiday!

A bit more difficult:

In our Spanish lessons we try to teach them numbers and colours and we try to check this quite often so quickly we can build some small sentences. “Dos chaquetas rojas” “Two red jackets”

I am not interested at this point to make things perfect. This is actually impossible.  Keep reading please! Why? Just say we sing numbers “1 to 10”

Uno, dos, tres, cuatro…

We practice colours and say that your child remember that “rojo” is “red” for this example.

So, the children have been learning the numbers, the colours and the items.

So now “two red jackets”  can get to many solutions for “them”. To be really honest “they” are the children in Year 2 with some Spanish background.

What is your answer?

1. Dos rojo chaqueta

2. Dos chaqueta rojo

3. Dos chaquetas roja

4. Dos chaquetas rojo

5. Dos chaquetas rojas

I am sure you realized the correct answer is “Dos chaquetas rojas”! I am now not going to start writing about masculine and femenine. Also singular and plural.

The main point here is that if I say to them “Dos chaquetas” they know I am talking about the two jackets; some of them perhaps only catch “dos”. The beauty now is that if I say “rojas” most of them will know that I am talking about something red. I did not say “rojo” This is not important right now.

If you are a Spanish teacher and reading my post, you know we need to try to talk and say as many things as we can in the target language – Spanish to the children. Ideally will be all the class, but this is extremely difficult to do in just one hour for the little ones (not bilingual children).

Although remember children they have got much imagination. Use your hands and your body, use easy songs, read bilingual books, play games where short Spanish instructions are given. Make them write from time to time easy words (Spanish activities) make them repeat easy things every week you are with them.

This will help the infants progress with this great MFL (Modern foreign languages) to the Juniors. Then they will be able then to develop a bit more about the language and get a bit more involved with easy grammar.

A child is not going to speak a language immediately. We cannot force a child to learn a language. We can help a child, stimulate him/her, and help him/her develop some other curricular subjects.

If you need some help with your lessons. We can provide Spanish Lessons online.